From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 02/14/2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!
The New Year Brings New Artistic Releases
I am currently working on a New Project. I will shed more light/details in the coming months.
I have a new Release “Ride it ’til” an R&B Soul song about choosing love when the honeymoon wears off.
My Band the Joystone’s EP There Once was a Band is Now on All Streaming Platforms
Ride it ’til Official Music Video
From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 12/15/22
Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays!
I hope the year has been going well for you and yours…
This month we have three (3) releases.
Relief and Identity? are now available on all streaming platforms
Light Official Music Video has now been released. This is the first installment to the Black Heart on the Table Experience Short Film
I hope everyone has a great Holiday and Happy New Year…
Creativity and Love Can Heal This World!!
Chanell J. Wilson
From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 6/23/22
Happy New Year I know we are almost 7 months in…..2021 and 2022 have been a year of recovery (from my leg injury) and refining (sharpening my creative skill sets).
I had the opportunity to be a part of Paupaiz Sound Stage Meet The Musicians Series
I speak about my songwriting Process, My current Projects, and the music industry and humanity.

View Interview at link below on Paupaiz Sound Stage Facebook Page
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 2/6/21
Black Heart on the Table Short EP Vol. 1: a Warrior’s Lament on ALL Streaming Platforms
It is with great excitement that I announce the first installment of the Black Heart on the Table Project is out on ALL Streaming Platforms. Black Heart on the Table Short EP Vol. 1: a Warrior’s Lament #BHOTT is a Collection of Songs from My catalog exploring the theme of American Conditioning, Oppression, & Conditional Love towards and within the Black Community. It is an EP Project in 3 Parts Vol 1 & 2 Dealing with a Lament and Vol 3. Dealing with a Reckoning. Healing is messy and can also be seen as an act of war. The unlearning old habits, throwing out toxic behaviors and then relearning new habits and boundaries. It is all a process and a journey to wholeness, justice, and repair. Warriors put their hearts on the table when they have something to deal with and/or prove. This work of healing requires both willingness and intestinal fortitude. It is my intent to provide awareness about this topic of healing and repair with these three projects.
Best Regards,
Chanell J. Wilson
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 1/27/21
Light is NOW Available on ALL STREAMING PLATFORMS (link below)
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 1/20/21
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Chanell J. Wilson and the BEAVER-Wilson Girls & Son Media Company. 2020 What the whole Hell? That was my slogan for the entire year…and with all the worry of the pandemic, I found myself both perplexed anxious and worried about the darkness of the uncertainty of the time…But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
In December, BLACK HEART ON THE TABLE, was nominated for an Endie Fiyah Award 2020 Best R&B Song Female. Hooray!!! It is an honor to be nominated.

With the New Year comes New projects, new visions, and a whole lot of discipline and refining. My New Single, Light, written by myself, Hank “Poetiqbeetz” Marshall, and Stonewall “Stoneman” Towery; will be released this month with a lyric and music video to follow.

Next month, My Short Form EP Black Heart on the Table Short EP “A Warrior’s Lament” will be released. And then I will have another announcement for the Spring.

Stay Tuned…2021 we are moving full speed ahead!
Chanell J. Wilson
Multi Disciplinary Artist and Author
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 9/4/2020
2020 has been a very interesting and humbling year for me and my family. I hope everyone has been safe, keeping it together within reason considering these SIP/Quarantine/Civil unrest Times. As I have been adjusting to this New Normal; I have found myself in varying stages of both reflection and grief and process. I have found myself in a “great refining” and in the midst of all the turmoil and sorting all of these feelings out from the times…I have been curating and curating and refining and throwing ideas away and then picking them back up. I have rediscovered myself. With process and tribulation and more process and refining; comes the goodness we’ve all been seeking. In July 2020; I released, Poems and Proses Vol 3: Civil Unrest, Quarantine and Protests a Lament on Amazon exclusive. I have begun recording the audiobook companion and will be uploading that within the coming weeks. I originally planned on releasing my Poems & Proses Collection in sequence (Vol 1: Relief, Vol 2: Giving Myself Permission & Vol 3: Civil Unrest, Quarantine & Protest a lament) but the times really called for the work I was curating during this quarantine. It is a raw gritty lament reflecting on the times. It is also an extension in poetry/prose form of Black Heart on the Table. I am still recording ideas to the Black Heart on The Table EP and also working on the lyric video, music video, and Animated Emotion Picture. I am also working on a series of live shows that I am entitling “The Black Heart on the Table Experience”. Check back soon for the virtual curation of this 2-year Project on the website.

I am pleased to announce I have launched merchandise inspired by my poetry writings and prose on teesprings Creativity and Love can heal this world if we let it. This store is a new curation of over two-decades of ideas/designs inspired by journal writings poetry & prose writings that are offered to create inspiration and encourage the world at large. I have three collections up so far “It’s a Braid Girl Mood” Collection, Stylistically Free Collection 1, Stylistically Free Collection 2. More Designs and Animation to come

- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 04/24/2020
“Black Heart on the Table” is Now Available for streaming and download. Black Heart on the Table is a raw, gritty, and heartfelt song about conditional love and how it impacts the human heart and our humanity. Check back on more information on the upcoming Music video. Check Out song on the links below:
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 04/18/2020
I hope everyone is staying safe during these Social Distancing Times. The Quarantine has definitely been a time of adapting and doing our part. I have used this time to continue to study, practice, and strengthen my artistic craft and skillsets. Refining has been my core focus. I have several exciting Creative Ventures and Projects to announce.
First, My Family and I have launched our very own Multi-Media Company, called Beaver-Wilson Girls Media. We have been working on content such as music, filmmaking, skits, and animation for many years. We have slowly begun putting more polished production efforts in our distribution and approach and have several projects in the works right now. Check back periodically to the website for more information.
Also, My new Single “Black Heart on The Table” will be released in a few days on all Streaming Platforms! Horray! Black Heart on the Table is a raw, gritty, and heartfelt song about conditional love and how it impacts the human heart and our humanity. Check back on more information on the release date and the upcoming Music video.

- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 01/14/2020
I have hit the ground running and my performance calendar is filling up fast. Check my Upcoming Performance Dates for shows near you and let’s have a good time!
In Anticipation for my Upcoming Release in March 2020; I have released my book of poetry Poems & Proses Volume 1: Relief on Amazon
I am currently performing Relief & Identity? in my Current Set.
- From the Artistic Desk of Chanell J. Wilson 01/01/2020
HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! As I reflect on this NEW Decade; I thought about my own Professional Decade Review. In 2010; I was working at a Call-Center for a Temp Agency and pursued my music on the side. I took a trip of a lifetime for my 30th birthday and when I came back I told myself, take more risk. Now a decade later; those choices have lead me to pursue my art in a part-time capacity and embark on new opportunities. I am looking forward to performing more, connecting with others and sharing this art and gift with the world. I hope you had a great Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!

DRAW NEAR TO ME has been nominated for Endie Fiya’s BEST FEMALE R&B PERFORMANCE Category. I am so humbled and honored by this nomination. Special Shout out to all the nominees in the category. The 2nd Annual Endie Fiya Award show will take place 1/25/19 on blogtalk radio
Draw Near to Me (an eclectic R&B tune about getting close to the one you love) is Now getting National and International Radio Airplay and is currently spinning in heavy rotation on KMIX 98.5 FM Los Angeles, WNDO 109.9 FM Miami, KISS 104.7, Black Planet Radio in Italy, and is #6 “Most Requested Songs” at WHTL 95.2 FM Cleveland (